Accessors & Mutators

Defining Accessors

Model accessors are computed properties which have access to the model instance and all it's properties and methods. You can define accessors on models to create virtual properties using methods and ES6 getters. Accessors are exempt from persistence and are hidden from model serialization.

The following example defines an accessor on a User model as fullName, using ES6 getters, which combines the firstName and lastName attributes from the model schema, and also a prefix method to allow customizing the firstName.

class User extends Model {  static entity = 'users'  static fields () {    return {      id: this.attr(null),      firstName: this.attr(''),      lastName: this.attr('')    }  }  // Get full name of the user.  get fullName () {    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`  }  // Add the given prefix to the user's full name.  prefix (prefix) {    return `${prefix} ${this.fullName}`  }}const user = useRepo(User).save({  firstName: 'John',  lastName: 'Doe'})console.log(user.fullName) // 'John Doe'console.log(user.prefix('Sir.')) // 'Sir. John Doe'

Defining Mutators

Pina ORM lets you define mutators which are going to modify the specific field when instantiating the Model. The difference between accessors and mutators is that mutators are going to modify the field itself. You can define a setter, getter or both for a model.

directly via method

Using directly a method is like using the get attribute. The getter will always be called before displaying the data but will never change the value in the store.

import { Attr, Model } from 'pinia-orm'class User extends Model {  static entity = 'users'  @Attr('') declare name: string  static mutators() {    return {      name(value: any) {        return value.toUpperCase()      },    }  }}console.log(new User({ name: 'john doe' }).name) // 'JOHN DOE'

via set and get

Now with this approach you can also now apply an setter which will mutate the value before it is saved in the store.

import { Model, useRepo } from 'pinia-orm'import { Attr } from 'pinia-orm/dist/decorators'import { getActivePinia } from 'pinia';class User extends Model {  static entity = 'users'  @Attr(0) declare id: number  @Attr('') declare name: string  static mutators() {    return {      name: {        get: (value: any) => value.toLowerCase(),        set: (value: any) => value.toUpperCase(),      },    }  }}const userRepo = useRepo(User){  id: 1,  name: 'John Doe',})console.log(getActivePinia().state.value)// users: {//   1: {id: 1, name: 'JOHN DOE'},// }console.log(userRepo.find(1)?.name) // 'JOHN DOE'

If you like decorators you can also use the Mutate decorator to apply a mutation to an value